Bodyguards · 保安服務

As with many fast-growing countries it is important to consider personal security when operating in Mainland China and we have extensive connections with professional close protection companies and freelance contractors which enable us to build a security offering that will meet your individual needs.

許多快速增長的國家,蘊藏著無限商機, 吸引很多投資者到這裡開拓業務, 同  時他們亦關注到人身安全, 為此本司與專業的貼身保護的顆伴合作, 為客人建立一個安全解決方案,提供客戶個人化保障服務, 為求客戶的人身安全及資產受到保障。

Security Drivers

Even when close protection is not deemed necessary it is important not to underestimate the challenges of moving between locations in an unfamiliar and challenging environment. Our security drivers are extensively vetted and highly competent professional drivers who have the necessary skills to ensure your safety and comfort on both sides of the Hong Kong/ Mainland China border.

在一個陌生的和具有挑戰性的環境中, 嚴密保護投資者的人身安全是有必要的,本司按客戶需要提供高素質的專業司機, 使他們在陌生環境旅途享受安心旅程。


Investigations · 調查

Whether you are reacting to an incident or proactively seeking to better understand a potential business partner or competitor our investigations service will ensure that you have the intelligence that you need to make key decisions to safeguard your interests at all times.

在一個商業競爭社會, 為了保障客戶的資產不被受騙, 本司設有商業和背景調查, 務求客戶的資產得到保障, 安心經營業務。