Whether you are seeking to strategically position financial capital, human capital or both we are here to provide the targeted and individual advice that you need. The international commercial centre of Hong Kong is uniquely positioned as the gateway to China and Asia Pacific and represents both a captivating investment location and an enticing destination for globally mobile executives and high net worth individuals. Whatever your requirements, from structured investment in Mainland China through the establishment of a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise to executing on the international mobility plans for your key personnel, we will provide the support needed to achieve your objectives in as swift and efficient a manner as possible.
香港是一個融合機遇、創意和進取精神的都市,其位於通往中國和亞太地區的經貿的平台, 蘊藏著無限商機, 其完善的法律制度、簡單的稅制、低稅率、配套齊全的基建及通訊設施, 吸引很多海外專業人士高級行政人員或海外投資者來港工作或投資, 本司專業人員, 按客戶的不同需要, 提供工作簽証及移民服務, 以協助他們達到理想目標。