Company Incorporation and Liquidation
Our professional team is highly skilled in the full lifecycle of company administration from incorporation through to liquidation. Whatever your requirements we will shield you from the burden of official paperwork and streamline the entire process.
本司團隊有豐富的專業經驗, 對公司成立, 整個企業管理至清盤的運作過程都非常熟悉, 並按客人不同要求, 提供專業意見及協助, 以達至他們的目標。
Secretarial Services
Management of ongoing companies affairs and maintaining your business entities in good standing is an important task that requires proper and considered management. Engage us to provide company secretarial services on your behalf and you can focus your efforts where they have most impact while leaving the paperwork to us.
有良好的公司治理及面對市場的迅速決策, 對拓展業務發展是非常重要, 因此本司提供公司秘書服務, 為客人提供公司發展中的相關配套服務, 以使客人減低營運成本, 節省處理繁鎖文書時間, 集中資源, 開拓業務。
Bank Account Opening and Registered Office Address
Bank account opening processes are becoming more complex and involved as institutions change their information requirements in response to the evolving regulatory reality of our increasingly interconnected world. Our team are highly experienced in managing account opening procedures and ensure that the process is as easy as possible for your company.
商業世界不斷發展, 資金往來頻繁, 很多政策隨之更新。 銀行是監管資金往來的重要機構, 銀行提高了開設銀行戶口的要求, 而且每間銀行開戶所須的要求都各有不同, 客人處理銀行開戶文件,往往花了他們的寶貴時間。 為此, 本司與香港各國際性銀行建立了良好的合作關係, 並設有協助客戶開設銀行戶口服務, 根據客戶實際情況,預備相關開立銀行戶口所須的文件, 並協助預約銀行辦理開戶手續。
Our registered office address service goes hand-in-hand with our other administrative offerings to ensure that important correspondence is received safely, allowing you to fulfil your obligation for a local business presence and providing an official point of contact regardless of your own location.
Accounting and Tax Services
We offer a full range of accounting and tax advisory services both in-house and through carefully selected partner firms which allows us to provide a complete bespoke service to you and your businesses on an ongoing or project basis.
本司與專業會計顆伴合作可提供全面的會計記賬和稅務資詢服務, 通過對客戶業務的深入了解,符合相關會計準則下,設計和實施最佳的會計服務方案,讓客戶免除後顧之憂,在節省經營成本的同時,能獲得充裕時間,專注拓展業務。