...custom-tailored consulting at its best.
...custom-tailored consulting at its best.
J&P Consulting offers a full range of professional services focused on protecting and safeguarding your valuable assets in Asia.
We understand that it can be difficult to plan and implement a business or wealth protection strategy in an unfamiliar legal, regulatory and cultural environment and offer our local knowledge and expertise to clients seeking to operate in Hong Kong and the People's Republic of China.
The opportunities for growth in the region are unparalleled but so are the hazards for any business or individual that does not have access to the advice and professional services support that is essential to achieving and safeguarding success.
本司提供全面多元化的專業服務, 再配合我們豐富的專業知識, 以滿足客户不同需要; 致力於保護和保障客户的寶貴資產, 使他們可以在不同環境下, 安心專注經營業務, 為求達成客户的目標。
We offer a full range of professional services enabling you to focus your efforts where they yield the greatest benefit.
We will prove ourselves to be an indispensable partner, safeguarding your business and personal interests.
You will always receive targeted advice, tailored to your specific needs and requirements.
We provide bespoke professional services in several areas. Our services range from general and secretarial administration to asset protection and sercurity management.
本司提供不同專業服務, 服務範圍由基本秘書行政服務及至資產保障及管理服務等。
We provide bespoke professional services in several areas. Our services range from general and secretarial administration to asset protection and sercurity management.
本司提供不同專業服務, 服務範圍由基本秘書行政服務及至資產保障及管理服務等。
We have carefully crafted our range of services to ensure that we cover the full spectrum of needs of modern businesses and high net worth individuals operating in Asia. By leveraging our extensive experience and network of established partnerships you can realise growth opportunities that may have been beyond your existing capabilities. Whether you prefer to select specific services or task us with complete administration of your interests we are ready and able to provide the support that you need.
本司精心打造我們的不同服務範圍, 服務範圍多元化, 以確保滿足客戶不同需要。本司專業人員有豐富的經驗, 並且與不同專業人士合作建立夥伴, 關係網絡深廣並能夠提供客戶所需要的支持, 協助客戶達到理想。
Company administration can be a time consuming and complex process. Regulatory compliance and statutory filings require specialist knowledge which results in a significant cost if handled inhouse. Our Secretarial Services offering allows you to delegate these administrative responsibilities to us, ensuring that your company meets its obligations in a streamlined and efficient manner.
公司的行政及管理是一個耗時而複雜的過程, 本司提供公司秘書服務, 為客人提供公司發展中的相關行政管理配套服務, 以使客人減低營運成本, 節省處理繁鎖文書時間, 確保公司符合精簡和有效的方式履行其義務。
Incorporating new companies is a necessary part of business growth and expansion but must be conducted properly if the new structures are to be effective in their performance. We streamline the incorporation process and help to ensure that your strategic objectives are met.
成立及組成新公司,必須按當地法例建立公司良好建構, 公司治理, 對公司拓展業務起了非常重要的作用, 並有助於客戶目標能夠實現。
Ensuring that your intellectual property assets are properly registered is critical to preserving their value and maintaining your competitive advantage. We can manage registration of a full range of assets including trademarks, designs, patents and domain names.
本司提供全面知識產權註冊手續包括商標,設計,專利和域名 確保您的知識產權資產得到妥善註冊保護。
Registration is simply the first step in unlocking the value of your intellectual property, to ensure continued benefit the registrations must be maintained, defended and enforced. We will directly manage the ongoing administration of your registrations and work with trusted partner law firms where enforcement action is required.
本司並與值得信賴的合作夥伴律師和專業團隊, 按客戶的要求, 提供專業知識產權管理服務, 以確保客戶的資產, 發明及設計受到保障。
Hong Kong and China offer unparalleled opportunities for investment and long term capital growth. Whether you wish to invest directly into Hong Kong or would prefer to channel your investment in the Mainland via a Closer Economic Partnership Agreement, we are here to assist.
香港及中國建立更緊密經貿關係, 蘊藏著無限商機, 吸引很多海外專業人士高級行政人員或海外投資者來港工作或投資, 本司專業團隊會按客戶的需要, 提出不同方案, 務求達成客戶的移民或工作目標。
Whether you wish to relocate to Hong Kong to manage your investments or need to ensure mobility for key executives in your businesses, we have extensive experience of managing the immigration process from initial applications through to settlement in Hong Kong.
我們的專業團隊有豐富處理投資移民及辦理工作簽証的經驗, 按每個客戶的情況, 作出適合的方案, 使很多海外專業人士, 高級行政人員或海外投資者可以來港工作或投資, 達成他們的目標。
As with many fast-growing countries it is important to consider personal security when operating in Mainland China and we have extensive connections with professional close protection companies and freelance contractors which enable us to build a security offering that will meet your individual needs.
許多快速增長的國家,蘊藏著無限商機, 吸引很多投資者到這裡開拓業務, 同 時他們亦關注到人身安全, 為此本司與專業的貼身保護的顆伴合作, 為客人建立一個安全解決方案,提供客戶個人化保障服務, 為求客戶的人身安全及資產受到保障。
Even when close protection is not deemed necessary it is important not to underestimate the challenges of moving between locations in an unfamiliar and challenging environment. Our security drivers are extensively vetted and highly competent professional drivers who have the necessary skills to ensure your safety and comfort on both sides of the Hong Kong/ Mainland China border.
在一個陌生的和具有挑戰性的環境中, 嚴密保護投資者的人身安全是有必要的,本司按客戶需要提供高素質的專業司機, 使他們在陌生環境旅途享受安心旅程。
Whether you are reacting to an incident or proactively seeking to better understand a potential business partner or competitor our investigations service will ensure that you have the intelligence that you need to make key decisions to safeguard your interests at all times.
在一個商業競爭社會, 為了保障客戶的資產不被受騙, 本司設有商業和背景調查, 務求客戶的資產得到保障, 安心經營業務。
We have direct access to a fleet of executive charter jets in locations across the region to cater for even the most demanding of travel schedules. You may be conducting a series of critical meetings or simply travelling for pleasure but whatever the reason we will ensure that you travel in the utmost comfort and style.
為使客戶享有舒適及安全的商務旅程, 本司提供安排包機服務, 使整個商務旅程更隱妥及更有效率。
The flight is only the start of the journey. When you reach your destination we can arrange for hire of a suitable prestige vehicle for the duration of your stay and can combine this service with our security driver option for your safety and convenience.
當客戶到達目的地,本司可以安排舒適的汽車, 使客人可以享受安全舒適旅途上工作。
With connections to the most desirable accommodations in Asia we will make sure that your travel experience exceeds your expectations. Whether you require hotel, serviced apartment or private accommodation our extensive network of connections ensures that we can tailor your stay to your own specific needs.
為節省寶貴時間, 使客人專注工作, 本司按客人須要, 特設預訂酒店服務, 使客人可以享受舒適旅途。